M. Blankier dot com
"The Clock of Lublin" (SCI: The Jewish Comics Anthology vol. 2)
"Low Tide" (Wayward Sisters)
"Peaches" (Hogtown Horror)
"Etienne and the Far West" (Toronto Comics vol. 3)
"The Magician's Bargain" (Strange Romance vol. 1)
Iron Man: Golden Avenger #1 (Marvel Comics)
Iron Man and Power Pack #4: "Dog and Pony Show" (Marvel Comics)
"Adapting and Transforming 'Cinderella': Fairy-Tale Adaptations and the Limits of Existing Adaptation Theory" (Humanities Education and Research Association, vol. 31.3)
"'A Very Serious Problem With The People Taking Care of the Place': Duality and the Dionysian Aspect in Stanley Kubrick's The Shining" (The Irish Journal of Gothic and Horror Studies, vol. 13)
"What to Wear at Fancy Halloween Parties" (The Hairpin)
"The Beetle: Like Dracula, But With Bugs" (The Toast)
"A Buff Baby Who Can Puncha Your Buns: Finn and the Crisis of Masculinity" (Adventure Time and Philosophy)
"Cinderella Across Cultures: New Directions and Interdisciplinary Perspectives" by Martine Hennard Dutheil de la Rochère, Gillian Lathey, and Monika Wozniak (Western Folklore vol. 76, no. 4)
"Slavery in American Children's Literature, 1790-2010" by Paula T. Connolly (U.S. Studies Online)